North County EDC Business Journal

SPRING 2016 // ISSUE 11

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l AGRICULTURE NORTH COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL x SPRING 2016 x As far as farmers are concerned, without these markets they have limited ways to sell their pro- duce. They could set up a stand on their farm or work with a wholesaler to get their product into grocery stores. The first route brings limited cus- tomers because not everyone can drive out to vari- ous farms to shop, and the second route pays significantly less than being able to sell their product themselves. "In the case of a farmers market, the farmers themselves go to the market and sell direct to the consumer, so they get the full dollar value for the products that they're selling," Anderson said. "That's an economic benefit to the farmer themselves, but also it's a benefit to the community in that your farmers are interacting directly with the consumer and making those connections. There's education going on – the consumer can ask questions about how the product was grown, where it was grown, how it was produced, what the process looks like, what the farmers practice is on their land, and more." Noel Stehly of Stehly Farms Organics in Valley Center said the farmers markets are a more stable option for farmers. "They're a constant source of income," he said. "You know that if you go to the farmers market, even if you have a bad day, you know how much you're coming home with and how many bills you can pay. Before we jumped into the farmers markets, we used to send our fruit off to a packing company, and six months later, we'd get a check for it. It was really tough to do business that way." Farmers markets appeal to consumers not just for the fresh produce, but also for the other vendors many markets have. For example, the Carlsbad Village Farmers Market also has other food vendors, such as the Carlsbad Aqua Farm, and arts Farmers markets allow growers to sell their produce directly to consumers, creating an economic benefit. fi

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