Certified Folder Display

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ON THE INTERNET sOcial engageMent i n a companywide drive to enhance its social media presence, Certified Folder Display recently launched a visitortips.com campaign that includes posting and sharing insider advice on Facebook, Twitter and Insta- gram. The content focuses on helpful travel tips, promotion of custom travel publications, interesting locales, timely in- formation on events, great dining spots, exciting activi- ties, advertiser highlights, and travel inspiration. "We've also launched a new Facebook Group called VisitorTips Insider Travel Tips with the goal to make it the No. 1 go-to place for all things travel," said Certified's Digital Content Manager Karen Hoy. "We encourage everyone to like and follow our pages and join the group." > click here to join now. C ertified Folder Display Service's work in increasing its digital presence is a big reason for its continued growth in the visitor and hospitality industry of the fast-paced 21st Century. The company's latest in- novation is "Deal and Steals," which will make it easy for travelers to find money-saving offers and share deals with friends or on social media. Currently in beta testing, Certified hopes to launch Deals and Steals as part of its visitortips.com platform this summer, according to Digital Content Manager Karen Hoy. "Our goal is to make visitortips.com the 'go-to' digital solution for the trav- eling public during the planning stages or while on vacation," Hoy said. "Once users discover the opportunity for sav- ings, they will return again and again." visitortips.com serves as Certified's digital portal to its thousands of brochure racks displayed across the United States and Western Canada. "We have an unparalleled collection of current and relevant content to offer," Hoy said. "In order to meet the needs of today's tech-savvy travelers, having a digital presence for viewing, saving and sharing travel information is an imperative piece of the marketing puzzle and greatly enhances physical brochure distribution." It won't just be travelers that will benefit from the new digital content. "Savvy advertisers know that you need to cast a wide net to capture as many clients as possible," Hoy said. "The multi-pronged marketing ap- proach that visitortips.com and Certi- fied offers gives advertisers real results." travel cOMPaniOn Deals and Steals will add an exciting feature to VisitorTips.com the digital age > C L I C K H E R E TO L E A R N M O R E A B O U T V I S I TO R T I P S . C O M A N D S E E H O W I T D E L I V E R S T H E P O W E R O F B R O C H U R E S TO T H E I N T E R N E T ! < Print and digital resources go hand in hand when it comes to marketing destinations. ................................................................

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