Los Cab Sports Village

Los Cab Life - January 2018

Orange County gym and fitness center

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4 ❘ LOS CAB LIFE ❘ JANUARY 2018 NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! ■ 5 FITNESS RESOLUTIONS TO HELP YOU STAY IN SHAPE W e all make New Year's resolutions, but while there is little in the way of empirical science to back up the claim, it's a safe bet that for most of us those resolutions are more diffi- cult to keep then they are to make. But if your New Year's resolutions are in the realm of physical fitness, Los Cab personal trainer Peggy Porcher has a few tips on how to cre- ate and achieve those goals. > Consider a trainer. "A personal trainer will know how to approach your goals and break them down into manageable, realistic pieces," she says. "They will also hold you accountable. They will measure and re-evaluate goals as needed and en- courage you to attain your goals." > Bring along a friend. "Finding a workout buddy is very helpful. This way you have someone else to motivate you. It is helpful if you and your buddy have similar goals." > Enjoy it. "Find an activity or exercise you enjoy! If you don't like what you are doing, chances are you will not stick with it. You have to find the workout that makes you feel good and that you also look forward to." > Be SMART. This is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound. "Basically, goals should be simplistically written and clearly defined. They should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished them – and they should be achievable, meaning they should stretch you slightly to feel challenged but realis- tic enough so that you can reach them." > Be realistic. "Goals should measure outcomes or results, not ac- tivities. And they should be linked to a timeframe that creates a practical sense of urgency." GROUP FITNESS ......................... START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT I t's a new year and what better way to greet it than enrolling in a fitness class? Fitness Director Marianne Grossman says that while some favorites are returning, new classes are also in the works. The group exercise classes include yoga, Pi- lates and Zumba classes, along with many others. Bodypump returns on Fri- days, and in mid-January Los Cab will launch the new Bodypump 104 and CXWORKS29 "We have something for all ages and fitness lev- els," Grossman said. "For the more seasoned ath- lete, we continue to offer our very popular high-in- tensity interval training, along with indoor cycling and boot camps. We also offer fitness classes aimed at seniors and folks who may be new to exercise." Additionally, balancing classes will be offered, and with the opening of the newly refurbished pool a variety of aqua classes and a master's swim program will be on tap. "There's always classes happening every day of the week, as early as 5:45 a.m. and as late as 7:30 p.m.," Grossman said. ...................................... > CALL (714) 546-8560, ext. 230, to learn more. "FIND AN ACTIVITY OR EXERCISE YOU ENJOY!" – PEGGY PORCHER A workout buddy can add extra motivation.

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