Certified Folder Display

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> C L I C K H E R E T O L E A R N A B O U T D I G I TA L M E D I A O P P O R T U N I T I E S W I T H C E R T I F I E D F O L D E R D I S P L AY S E R V I C E THE DIGITAL AGE C ertified Folder Display Ser- vice's ExploreBoards are up and running in a handful of locations in the western United States, with plans to expand greatly in the coming months. Digital kiosks are currently active in Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Dallas. Two locations are pending in San An- tonio, and Portland will follow after- ward. Certified has also garnered interest from a few museums in the Houston area. And it's not just hotels hosting the ExploreBoards. OUE Skyspace L.A., Ripley's Be- lieve It or Not! in Dallas, the Cross Border Xpress in San Diego County, the Bicycle Hotel & Casino in Los An- geles and a soon-to-be-activated loca- tion at the California Welcome Center on Pier 39 in San Francisco are some of the more non-traditional locations. The Ripley's location in particular is a high-traffic spot, with reports show- ing more than 700 touches from tourists in a day at one point. "We service hotels, we have some attractions, we have one casino, and then the Welcome Center," said Jon Trumbull, Certified's Director of Cus- tom Publishing. "We hope to see more in the near future." The ExploreBoards launched in the spring of 2016, and Trumbull said he estimates about 20 will be active by the end of the year. One of the major benefits of the ExploreBoards is the ability to update content daily. With the holidays upon us, Trumbull said distribution clients have been encouraged to update their content with tree lightings, special menus, and other seasonal events. "That's one of the benefits customers most enjoy about the ExploreBoards – that the content can be updated daily if somebody so chooses," he said. Trumbull said recently he was at the Cross Border Xpress, a pedestrian bridge from Otay Mesa near San Diego to Tijuana, and saw a large group of people deplane. He said he witnessed children run up and imme- diately start using an ExploreBoards there, pointing out local attractions such as Legoland to their parents. "Kids understand it right away," he said. "I did notice while I was there that any kid who came through walked over to it and immediately started experimenting with it." TOUCH AND GO ExploreBoards offer a unique digital experience for tourists > CLICK HERE to contact Director of Custom Publishing Jon Trumbull to learn more about ExploreBoards. SEND US AN EMAIL

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