North County EDC Business Journal

SPRING 2016 // ISSUE 11

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l IN THE NEWS A s people who rent or own in North San Diego County can attest, living here can be expensive. But for- ward-thinking developers in the area are aiming to make living here more attainable for people with lower incomes. National Community Renais- sance, known as National CORE, is a nonprofit that works locally as an affordable housing developer/ owner/operator/property man- ager, specializing in affordable rental apartment homes for low-in- come families, seniors, veterans and those with special needs. "North County has an extremely high need for affordable rental homes," said John Seymour, vice president of acquisitions for Na- tional CORE. "People who are working for minimum wage, working in the retail section, work- ing in tourism, secretaries, fire, po- lice … cannot afford home ownership, and they really cannot afford a market-rate rental home because they'd be paying some- times 50 and 60 percent of their take-home pay to rent." Those percentages are above the recommended 35 percent of total income spent on housing, said Josh Williams, president of BW Re- search Partnership Inc. Williams said in North County, 48 percent of households that are renting spend more than 35 percent of their in- come on housing in rental costs. By comparison, in Santa Clara County, the heart of Silicon Valley, 40 per- cent of households are spending more than 35 percent on housing and rent. "As the labor market gets tighter and tighter, and less people are able to afford here, two things are going to happen," Williams said. "They're going to start pulling peo- ple from a larger area, so trans- portation is going to get more congested, and you're going to see businesses that may end up having to go away because they can't find the talent or the people, the work- ers that they need who can live within a close enough area. It is important that we find ways to help people both live and work here." National CORE owns and man- NO PLACE LIKE HOME n NEW COMMUNITIES PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING WITH THE ABILITY TO WORK NEARBY BY LindseY BaLL HOUSING MARKET W hen it comes to finding a place to call home, the more prospec- tive residents know, the better off they'll be, the better fit they'll find for a res- idence, and the more long-lasting that decision will be. And business owners know that if people have a good place to live, they're more likely to call that com- pany home. Here are some helpful resources to shed light on the topic: >> CLICK HERE to learn about liv- able communities. >> CLICK HERE to learn about the National CORE program. >> CLICK HERE to learn about walk- able communities in North County, such as Bressi Ranch. {LEARN MORE} NORTH COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL x SPRING 2016 x Artist rendering of Mission Cove. fi

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