North County EDC Business Journal

SPRING 2016 // ISSUE 11

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CONTENTS NCEDC BUSINESS JOURNAL SPRING 2016 • NUMBER 11 >> ECONOMIC GAUGE The Third Annual North County Economic Summit highlights the state of area's industries. >> INSPIRING INNOVATION North County inventors and businesses help drive record number of patent filings. >> NO FLY ZONE Commercial interest in drones is high, but FAA regulations are slowing growth. >> NO PLACE LIKE HOME New communities provide low-income housing with the ability to work nearby. >> SIGN OF THE TIMES Federal Heath Sign Co. celebrating 115 years in business. >> POSITIVE PICTURE Economic developments suggest that 2016 will be a big year for business in North County. << TOP-NOTCH TRAINING Innovative education programs are preparing kids for the jobs of tomorrow. >> GAME CHANGER From clubs and courses to resorts and retail, golf has a big impact on the economy. >> GIFTS FROM THE GARDEN Farmers markets provide fresh food and produce – and a boost to local businesses. >> FOOD FOR THOUGHT 4 restaurant professionals serve up their impressions of North County cuisine. Cover and Contents photos courtesy The San Marcos Promise

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