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6 KSTGHLRQONTOMTLOMONETPN QGRTRAPTBPLT1PPNJOEKR 7RQEST*LPIHGROPNM? RKSTQAQLI 7RQLRONETONTHNS?T1PPNJOEKR 7RQEST*LPIHGROPNMTAOJJT@LONE QJJTPBTORMTCSQLJCTDLPIHGROPNMTRPTRKS -?888 (DTRPTNPA?TRKSTRKSQRSLTGPFDQNCTKQM MRQESITMHFFSLROFST)LPQIAQCTFHMO< GQJMTQRTRKSTQFDKORKSQRSLTQNITDHRTPN AONRSLROFSTGPFSIOSM?TILQFQMTQNI MFQJJTFHMOGQJMTQRTRKST2%#?TQT-< MSQRTIPANRPANTQHIORPLOHF RKQRTEPRTORMTMRQLRTQMTQTNSOEK@PL< KPPITFP=OSTKPHMSTONT,> 6KST1PPNJOEKRT2FDKORKSQRLS? LSNP=QRSITONTJQRST-88TQNITSQLJC -88?TBSQRHLSMTQTMRQRS 40STKQ=STRKOMTDLSFOSLTBQGOJORCTQNI @SQHROBHJTASQRKSL?3TMQOIT.QNOSJTQCM? 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Founded on e principles of excellence and access, e University opened its doors at a temporary storefront location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. Today CSUSM is home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts approximately 33,000 proud alumni who are making an impact every day in e region and beyond. Be a part of our celebration! Visit for a complete calendar of events and to learn more. Discover CSUSM Day Saturday, April 11, 8a - 8p In celebration of our 25 anniversary, we welcome e entire community to our campus. Discover CSUSM Day is e perfect opportunity for potential students and families to tour campus, meet our outstanding faculty and learn more about what makes Cal State San Marcos exceptional. For a complete program of e day's events, visit : w w w. c s u s m . e d u / 2 5 In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ Founded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ F ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary stor a temporary storef efront location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T r ef a temporary stor cos celebrates its 25 anniv In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State University San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Mar ersity San Marcos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv ersity San Mar ersity San Mar In 2015 California State Univ In 2015 California State Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T . cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniv cos celebrates its 25 anniversary ersary ersary ersary ersary ersary. ersary ersary cos celebrates its 25 anniv ersity opened its doors at ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e University opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ersity opened its doors at ounded on e principles of excellence and access, e Univ oday CSUSM is ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. Today CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is oday CSUSM is ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. T ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. Today CSUSM is ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. Today CSUSM is ont location for e first time in 1990 to 448 students. Today CSUSM is er CSUSM Day Discov , April 11, 8a - 8p day day, April 11, 8a - 8p Satur In celebration of our 25 , we welcome e ersary ersary, we welcome e anniv e community to our campus. entir er CSUSM Day is e perfect Discov er CSUSM Day , April 11, 8a - 8p In celebration of our 25 , we welcome e e community to our campus. er CSUSM Day is e perfect home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts appr e making an impact e are making an impact e e making an impact e e making an impact e e making an impact e e making an impact e ar ar Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! 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Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! 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Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! Be a part of our celebration! for a complete for a complete for a complete for a complete for a complete for a complete for a complete for a complete e. ents and to learn mor ents and to learn mor ents and to learn mor ents and to learn more. e. ents and to learn mor er CSUSM Day is e perfect Discov opportunity for potential students and families to tour campus, meet our outstanding faculty and e about what makes learn mor cos exceptional. Cal State San Mar ogram of e or a complete pr F : ents, visit v day's e . c s u s m . e d u / 2 5 w w w er CSUSM Day is e perfect opportunity for potential students and families to tour campus, meet our outstanding faculty and e about what makes cos exceptional. ogram of e . c s u s m . e d u / 2 5 KEN JACQUES PHOTOGRAPHY

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