El Niguel Country Club

The Divot // July 2019

El Niguel Country Club

Issue link: http://read.insidecustommedia.com/i/1142113

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8 ❘ THE DIVOT ❘ JULY 2019 ● LESSON TEE S uccess is a term that is sub- jective in nature. It means whatever one wants it to mean. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Being suc- cessful starts within ourselves and I believe it can be defined in the following ways: 1) The accomplishment of an aim or purpose; 2) The attainment of popularity or profit; 3) The outcome of an undertak- ing, specified as achieving or fail- ing to achieve its aims. As a PGA Professional, I took an oath to uphold the standards of the game and the profession. As the Director of Instruction at El Niguel Country Club, I took an oath to grow and enhance the golf instruction programs for juniors, men and women. I am currently witnessing success at El Niguel in the following ways: > Increased membership value; > More junior golfers practicing and playing; > More women wanting to learn and play the game; > Increased social activity at the Club; > Increased participation in Club events, both social and golf related; > Recognition and appreciation from students. The last item on the list hit me while I was on vacation. I was sit- ting in the sun by the pool enjoy- ing my family and life in general, and all of a sudden, I receive more than 10 messages from multiple people telling me about success stories in golf tournaments around the country. These messages were from adults, juniors and parents of juniors, and included unique de- tails about scores, location, high- lights, and more. They also included things such as: > Thank you for helping me; > I couldn't have done this without you; > You are the best coach; > We love you; > I am so thankful to have you as my coach and teacher; > You are a great coach and a friend who I can trust. Success isn't always measured by profit or popularity. Success can be attained by listening to feed- back and making others successful. Upon reading these messages, I realized a feeling of tremendous success, greatness and wealth. It made me realize that the work I was doing was rewarding to oth- ers. As a teacher and a coach, I often don't get to see my students perform. When they take the time to share their success over a phone call or in a message, it feels as if I am sharing the success with them. Success is what we make of it. I would like thank all the golfers who have trusted me with helping them enjoy and improve at this game. Thank you for making me feel successful! Continued success! SUCCESS STORY ■ WHILE ON VACATION, I LEARNED THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO DEFINE OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY WADE WILSON, PGA "Success isn't always measured by profit or popularity. Success can be attained by listening to feedback and making others successful." – WADE WILSON

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