Los Cab Sports Village

Los Cab Life - September 2018

Orange County gym and fitness center

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2 ❘ LOS CAB LIFE ❘ SEPTEMBER 2018 IN THE NEWS .................... TRAINING GROUND W ith the holidays right around the corner, now is the time to get involved in a fitness program and to stick with it. And Los Cab makes it easy with a new early morning class that offers you the opportu- nity to exercise before work or dropping off the kids at school. The new BodySculpt class on Fridays at 5:45 a.m. focuses on improving strength and maintaining muscle using free weights, bands and body weight to sculpt and shape. "Group fitness is a great way for people to connect," said Los Cab's Fitness Director Mari- anne Grossman, adding that the club's group fit- ness programs change a bit in September as teachers return to school and afternoon classes see more participation. ◆ ◆ ◆ YOUTH MOVEMENT The 34th Annual Los Cab Junior Open is set for September 8-9 and 15-17. More than 900 players will compete in three divisions for boys and girls – open singles, open doubles and 10- and-under with their sights on the title. ● AROUND THE CLUB FOOD FOR THOUGHT ■ PROPER NUTRITION ALONG WITH EXERCISE DELIVER RESULTS W hen it comes to getting into shape, it's not enough that you focus on exercising and removing toxins from your body. It's just as important to focus on what you put in your body. "Nutrition is the basis for a healthy lifestyle," says Olga Barreal, Los Cab's in-house nutritionist. "I'd say it's 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent exercise. If you don't have proper nutrition, even if you exercise a lot you're not going to get the re- sults you expect." However, Barreal cautions that one diet is not right for everyone. Proper nutrition depends on a per- son's age, activity level, health, weight and personal goals. Your workout regimen is plays a role. Barreal suggests after a cardio workout such as Zumba to eat a little bit of protein and some carbs. After a weight-lifting workout, she recom- mends more protein. In either case, she says "it's important to replace nutrients within the first 30 minutes to one hour after a workout." As far as pre-workouts, Barreal recommends carbs about an hour be- fore you start. She prefers a small bowl of oatmeal with fruit, but if you're strapped for time a granola bar is a good snack as well. Hydration is also key, and de- pends on the workout's duration. "It's very important to hydrate be- fore, during and after a workout," Barreal says. "Water is ideal, but if the workout is longer than two hours, you're going to need some electrolytes and glucose from sugar. You don't have to drink much dur- ing the workout – often just one to two cups is enough. Also, it's impor- tant to avoid overly sugary drinks at all times – and to eat at least three to five servings of vegetables a day." The Center Court Cafe offers plenty of nutritional choices.

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