North County EDC Business Journal

SPRING 2016 // ISSUE 11

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BY amanda weston A bout 400 of the area's business and political leaders gathered at Omni La Costa Resort & Spa on March 2 for the Third Annual North County Economic Summit, hosted by the North County Eco- nomic Development Cor- poration (the nonprofit wing of the San Diego North Eco- nomic Development Council). Mark Kalpakgian, president of the board of trustees for the North County Economic De- velopment Corporation, said the summit covered the state of North County's industry clusters, innovation and patent filings, which are all strong suits for the area. However, the presenters and panel members also pointed out that high housing costs are an ongoing challenge. "When you look at the big picture in North County, it's very positive," Kalpakgian said. "Even as we traverse through the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities, the threats, there is so much to be grateful for walking out of that summit." Josh Williams, president of BW Research Partnership Inc. and one of the summit's pre- senters, elaborated on the job market, saying that North County went from 7.8 percent unemployment in January 2013 to 4.4 percent unemploy- ment, creating a tight labor market. The numbers show North County recovering quickly from the recession, even though it was hit harder initially. He also pointed to growth in North County's high-skill niche manufacturing markets, such as aerospace and defense and pharmaceuticals. He also said the brewery mar- ket continues to grow. The benefit of the summit, Kalpakgian said, stems from the people who attend. "It raises the questions, it gives the data, it begins to tell the story," he said. "The big charge is to be able to walk out of that summit and say, know- ing what we know from the people, from the data, from the panel, we're going to do this different or that different so we can positively impact North County. That's the real value." EVENT FOCUSES ON LOCAL VINEYARDS T he Vineyard Symposium on March 9 at the California Center for the Arts in Escon- dido provided an opportunity for small- to mid-sized grape growers in the area to learn from the best in the industry and network with neighboring growers. "There are similar symposiums in the area," said Owner of Grangetto's Farm & Garden Supply Kevin Grangetto, who organized and hosted the event, "but they're currently geared toward the more corporate-size growers. We wanted to create an event specifically for the smaller, boutique growers." The day-long symposium in- cluded guest speakers and panels, networking events and a chance to meet and talk with vendors of grape-growing and harvesting equipment. Mark Greenspan, Ph.D. and Viticulturist from Advanced Viti- culture, Inc., served as the keynote speaker for the 100-plus attendees. "This event was a great opportu- nity for growers to interact and dis- cuss innovative growing techniques pertinent to the area," said Grangetto. CLICK HERE to learn more. – BY amanda weston {GRAPE GROWING} l IN THE NEWS NORTH COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL x SPRING 2016 x CLICK TO VIEW MORE PHOTOS FROM THE SUMMIT < Panel members and presen- ters included, from left, Tony Davis, Melinda del Toro, Colin Parent, George Chamberlin, Rita Brandin, Matthew Tucker, and John Seymour. ECONOMIC GAUGE n SUMMIT HIGHLIGHTS STATE OF AREA'S INDUSTRIES

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