North County EDC Business Journal

SPRING 2016 // ISSUE 11

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l EDUCATION NORTH COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL x SPRING 2016 x xxx xxxxxx E very time a local graduate shows up to a job interview with skills and character qualities highly valued by a potential em- ployer, the job candidate benefits, the company benefits, and the economy benefits. But who should take the credit for producing employ- able graduates in North County? Usually it's some combination of sound aca- demic counseling, internships and personal moti- vation, but more and more frequently, the most sought-after employees are arriving in the work- force via innovative education programs and cam- puses spread across North County. From career technical education at MiraCosta College to indi- vidualized learning at The Classical Academies, North County educators are finding new ways to prepare young minds for the jobs of tomorrow. Joe Erpelding, the principal at Poway's Design39Campus, quotes Steve Jobs – "Put a dent in the universe" – when explaining the types of goals he hopes to instill in his students. "Somebody who wants to change the world – TOP-NOTCH TRAINING n INNOVATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS ARE PREPARING KIDS FOR JOBS OF TOMORROW BY tom pfingsten fi PHOTO COURTESY THE SAN MARCOS PROMISE

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