North County EDC Business Journal

SPRING 2016 // ISSUE 11

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NORTH COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL x SPRING 2016 x l SPECIAL REPORT fi H otels and hospitals, retail and real estate, business parks and public parking: Across North County, eco- nomic development managers have their eyes set on downtown revital- ization projects, industry partnerships and corpo- rate investment that are set to make 2016 an active year for the region's economy. And they all seem optimistic. Matt Sanford, director of economic development for the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation and Innovate 78 program manager, said the Highway 78 corridor stands to gain consid- erably this year – both in awareness beyond the re- gion and in tangible development. "Now, when we're talking with companies along the 78 corridor, or companies interested in the 78 corridor, they're seeing it as one region, instead of five individual cities," said Sanford. "Our organization works with a lot of other cities and organizations around the country and around the world, and the collaboration between these five cities is, quite frankly, not something that we see anywhere else," he added. That corridor, of course, encompasses a wide swath of North County, most of its population, and much of its industry. But aside from the Innovate 78 collaboration, each of North County's cities is bank- ing on a handful of local projects and programs to bring growth this year. Here's a look: OCEANSIDE >> North County's most populous city has seen sweeping changes downtown and significant invest- ment by corporate behemoths like Genentech and FedEx. The good news seems to be holding in 2016, with continued expansion in the city's business park and a new downtown redevelopment project. Surrounded by recently successful redevelop- ment, North Beach Promenade is scheduled to break ground off Pier View Way and Cleveland Street this summer, with 52 residential units, 9,000 square feet of retail, and 427 new parking spaces – 350 of which Economic developments suggest that 2016 will be a big year for business in North County BY tom pfingsten POSITIVE PICTURE Artist rendering of North City in San Marcos.

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