North County EDC Business Journal

FALL 2015 // NUMBER 9

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l PROFILE NORTH COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL x FALL 2015 x What's the most exciting thing about the craft spirits industry at the moment? It's new. Right now is the ground floor of craft spirits. Rules of engage- ment are changing weekly, laws are changing quarterly, and we've got new people on the map all the time. There is no normal for anything right now. Every model is being broken. It's exciting for me, as an engineer, to be in the middle of this movement and set in place the best practices and structure that favors local producers. We're building the craft spirits culture down here and we're building it very fast. We now have large chain retailers starting local spirits programs with sep- arate merchandising areas. This is huge and it's just the beginning. What we have now is strategy and resources. American spirits are coming back in a big way in SoCal and I'm very excited about the future. What's the best advice you have for others who are looking to break into the spirits industry? Work together! You're not on an is- land. We've all gone through the pain of getting started and we're here to help. We're a community of producers dedi- cated to growing the market and we want to help you be successful. We're not competitors; we're your best re- source and the ones who will keep you out of bankruptcy. The more quality products we see on the shelf, the faster this movement spreads. What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Nothing happens fast – you have to become that person that just keeps put- ting one foot in front of the other every- day. Also, just do it. Not to steal from Nike's old slogan but these words are what has motivated me to get moving when I didn't want to. Just pick up the phone, just go to that meeting, just load the next tank, just take that college class, just get up and go do it! Nothing is going to happen if you don't make it happen. No excuses. What's next for The California Spirits Company? Maybe a new product, maybe a new market, maybe export, who knows what next week will bring. I really don't think that way anymore. I think in terms of the market. One might ask, "What's next for craft spirits in San Diego?" That's what I'm in tune with. I take great personal responsibility and pride in all of our businesses and products. I live my day as a force for the move- ment, not for my own company. Your business, big or small, needs solutions that are as unique as the San Diego landscape. That's where Cox Business excels. From the Fortune 500™ to sole proprietorships, every customer receives the same level of dedication and commitment. Our voice, data and business TV solutions are scalable, reliable and tailored to fit your needs. And though we're local, doing business where you do business, we have the power to reach nationwide. Strengthen your business with the power of ours. Let's Talk. Call today to ask about our latest promotions! (8) 2- visit us at Cox Knows Business. Services provided by Cox Business, a division of CoxCom, LLC. Services not available in all areas. Other restrictions apply. ©2015 CoxCom, LLC. All rights reserved.

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