Los Cab Sports Village

Los Cab Life - February 2020

Orange County gym and fitness center

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2 ❘ LOS CAB LIFE ❘ FEBRUARY 2020 ● CLASS ACTION ■ OPEN HOUSE HIGHLIGHTS PILATES AT LOS CAB M embers interested in Pilates at Los Cab were able to get a first- hand look at the discipline on January 25. Los Cab's Pilates Open House introduced neophytes to mat and reformer classes, and many of the members in attendance were those who play tennis, swim or participate in aquatics classes, but wanted to expand their hori- zons, said Head Fitness Trainer Peggy Pocher "I thought it went very well," Pocher said, "and so did the other Pilates instructors – Karen George and Luba Krym. I heard from so many of the members about how impressed they were and how great they felt. In Pi- lates, you strengthen and lengthen, so I think they really enjoyed the feeling of getting stretched out – whereas so many other types of exercise make your muscles tight." Pocher expects that she'll see some of the members who were introduced to Pilates participat- ing in her classes in the near fu- ture, and said that she plans to hold the Pilates open houses on a semi-regular basis to help expose the discipline to as many people as possible. She endorses Pilates for ath- letes of all ages and back- grounds. "It's such a wonderful form of exercise that has so many bene- fits, from posture to core strength, body awareness and so many more," Pocher said. "I re- ally think it's something every- one should try." .................................................... > VISIT loscab.com/yoga-pilates-trx. GROUP FITNESS ....................... TIME TO TAKE ON MARCH MADNESS I t's almost the time of year to add to your clothing collection with Los Cab's March Madness festivities. Members who complete at least 20 group fitness classes for the month will be awarded T-shirts that are great to wear with pride around the club. "March Madness has been a Los Cab tradition for more than 35 years," said Fitness Director Marianne Gross- man. "I'd say we probably have about 120 members who participate, and many participants are members who do the challenge year after year. It's a great time to start or add to your col- lection of March Madness T-shirts." ◆◆◆ NEW SCHEDULES, MUSIC OFFERED T hings are always changing with group fitness offerings at Los Cab as management and instructors work to meet the scheduling needs of members and keep things fresh and interesting. With that in mind, members can ex- pect new music and choreography to be released this month for Bodypump and CXWORX classes, and a new schedule of Pilates classes should allow members to participate, whether they prefer morn- ings, mid-days, afternoons or weekends. Pilates will now be offered at Los Cab on Mondays at 5:45 a.m and 9 a.m., Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m., Wednesdays at 9 a.m., Thursdays at 4:30 p.m., and Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. > Visit loscab.com/group-fitness. IN THE NEWS Attendees got to experience the benefits of Pilates at the club's recent Open House.

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